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Tag: Abruzzo

A recipe – Bocconotti from Abruzzo

A recipe – Bocconotti from Abruzzo

Regional flavours Many moons ago, when I used to ski with school friends on the slopes of Abruzzo, I use to love stopping in cafes and enjoy a hot chocolate with one of the local chocolate cakes called bocconotti. Since this year we will unusually not spend Christmas in the region, and will not be skiing and eating those delicacies, I was feeling a little ‘homesick’ and decided to give them a try. In fact, even on Danilo Cortellini’s recently published…

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#TheLongWayHome part 2 – Going back

#TheLongWayHome part 2 – Going back

  Day 1: Barletta – Silvi – Spello – Assisi, 490km All good things must come to an end, or so they say. It was time to come back to Blighty for the last leg of our summer road trip. We packed up and left a sunny Barletta on a monday morning, hitting the motorway almost immediately, still surrounded by olive groves, bright sun shining above us and the Adriatic sea a constant and distant companion to our right. Motorway…

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A meal at Ristorante Reale, Castel di Sangro (AQ)

A meal at Ristorante Reale, Castel di Sangro (AQ)

De gustibus non est disputandum 3 Michelin stars is a big deal, isn’t it? I have only had the pleasure of dining at such an establishment once, and it was one of the most memorable food related experiences of my life. So when Niko Romito received a coveted 3rd star in November 2013, I thought it was about time I went back to Ristorante Reale, particularly given the fact that it is located within walking distance from where we spend…

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#DiscoverAbruzzo – how it all happened…

#DiscoverAbruzzo – how it all happened…

Three years ago, after the devastating earthquake which hit the Abruzzo region killing hundreds and destroying homes and monuments, I got together with some friends to plan a fund raising event. We already had in mind to do something food related, yet, as it often happens, the idea just fizzled out.  Three years later, I find myself a bit of a food freak – I tweet, I eat, I review, I blog, and this made me wonder if I could…

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Travel bites: Abruzzo and its sun, snow and food

Travel bites: Abruzzo and its sun, snow and food

Rivisondoli in the morning sun Undiscovered Italy? While our Italian summer holidays are spent in seaside Cilento, our winter breaks (mostly Christmas) are spent in another beautiful and fascinating Italian region, Abruzzo. Situated at the southern end of Central Italy, it touches the Adriatic Sea to the East and is around 1.5 hours’ drive from Napoli and Rome. Allegedly (in ‘Miracle in Castel di Sangro’), the 1996 Frommer’s Guide to Italy described as it as “one of the poorest and least…

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