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Tag: Crockpot challenge

A recipe- Persian chicken stew in the Crock Pot

A recipe- Persian chicken stew in the Crock Pot

Inspiring Instagram posts Months ago I saw an Instagram post and thought the stew in the photo looked wonderfully comforting, so I searched for a recipe I could replicate but never actually got round to make it. I think the inspiring post on a Persian Chicken stew was by chef and renowned author Sabrina Ghayour Using the CrockPot Fast forward a few months and I have been involved in the CrockPot Challenge, which I am pleased to say I have successfully…

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Crockpot Challenge: what is it?

Crockpot Challenge: what is it?

Slow cookers and crockpots I have always been intrigued by slow cookers, but I have never owned or used one like the Crockpot. My sister auspiciously bought one for my parents years ago, and I think it never even got out of its box and it’s gathering dust somewhere. It is probably not a cooking method for everyone, yet I have often heard praises particularly from people who are short on time and who spend most of the day out…

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