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Tag: Pret a Diner

Pret a Diner: “Italians do it better”. Really?

Pret a Diner: “Italians do it better”. Really?

After trying out Pret a Diner 2011 venture in our local Old Vic Tunnels and not being particularly impressed with the food, I was curious to try this year’s proposition, antagonistically named “Italians do it Better’. Name apart, it was going to be a feast of contemporary Italian food and art. At the time of booking Massimo Bottura was even listed amongst the chefs! Moreover, seeing Paolo Marchi’s name associated with the event, put more weight on the whole thing…

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The Minotaur – darkness, candles and food

The Minotaur – darkness, candles and food

Living near Waterloo station has some perks. We used to have the Eurostar on our doorsteps, now we have the Railway Children performances (no, really). But sometimes we also have some special, one offs events which are worth checking out. One of these is surely the Minotaur, a temporary art exibit with music with a bar with a bunch of Michelin starred chefs.  We decided to check it out with a coupe of friends. It’s all quite strict and you…

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