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Tag: San Francisco

North American West Coast part 3: Chocolate & Coffee

North American West Coast part 3: Chocolate & Coffee

San Francisco One, or rather two, elements have been consistently present in each destination covered in our two weeks West Coast trip. Coffee and chocolate. So I felt they deserved a separate post, especially considering that we visited what is considered the top coffee location in the area, Seattle of course. Our trip started in San Francisco. Here, among the many coffee chains (some better than others such as the local Peet’s coffee) there are plenty of local roasters and,…

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North America West Coast Part 1: San Francisco

North America West Coast Part 1: San Francisco

About time we had a non diving or non Italian holiday, isn’t it? With the excuse of a friend’s wedding in an island called Orcas, we planned a two weeks trip between San Francisco (where I actually worked remotely) and Vancouver, where @bmcboy has family. The first few days were spent in sunny and warm San Fran. I did not have too much time to explore as I was stuck in the office, yet I absolutely loved even my working…

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