Beef stew

A recipe – Easy beef stew with ‘cacio & pepe’ dumplings

That time of the year…

It’s Autumn again, our yard is covered in yellow leaves fallen from the trees that look so beautiful and lush in the summer, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. No surprise then it is nice to spend a friday night at home watching telly and cooking a hearthy, delicious beef stew. Ok it shows my age perhaps but having ordered Abel & Cole new organic beef range, I thought it deserved a proper use.

The web is full of stew recipes and having made it tons of times before, today I found myself googling for ideas to make it just slighly different. I found so many odd suggestions from adding lemon peel to olives, and decided not only to make pretty much my usual, but then also blog about it because sometimes simple things are the best.

Beef stew

Italian recipes serve stews often with polenta, which I love, but @bmcboy hates; in true British style, I made dumplings, this time pimping them with ‘cacio and pepe’ which is uber trendy now as a pasta version. I used lots of cheeses and black pepper in them and made them from scratch, as we no longer buy Atoora suet due to the fact that it contains palm oil.

Mix as match as much as you wish, and find my version below.

Making the dumplings
Dumplings ready to be cooked


[buymeapie-recipe id=’3′]beef stew


4 responses to “A recipe – Easy beef stew with ‘cacio & pepe’ dumplings”

  1. I’m not overly keen on dumplings (too British to my taste) but your stew looks delicious. I might change my mind about dumplings. Why adding olives would be an odd suggestion? I do love olives, so that wouldn’t be a problem for me.I sometimes add a little bit of dark chocolate to the beef stew as well.

    1. pastabites avatar

      I love olives too, and they might be a good addition, we use them in pasta sauces so why not! Dumplings are indeed very british, and I am converted now, but again I prefer them without suet as they are lighter…

  2. Love the sound of this, those dumplings look lovely. I like the addition of the cheese.

    1. pastabites avatar

      Cheese goes well, for sure- almost like a cheesy scone …

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