A recipe – Supercharged flapjack

A recipe – Supercharged flapjack

Life is changing…

So something major happened to Pastabites recently, enough to completely turn life upside down… and that was giving birth to a baby boy. Trying to adjust is hard, and routine of any kind is out of the window. For a while yet, I can forget dining out, events, masterclasses… yet I have a lot of new skills to learn, including something I was personally completely against like breast feeding. I am not even going to begin discussing this, it is a very personal, individual choice despite the barrage of pressure the NHS and most people, including men, put on new mothers.
Pastabites - flapjacks

In any case, it is a whole new world to discover and learn. And among the things I found out are some food items and ingredients that allegedly, facilitate milk production. Yes, ladies and gentleman, there is such a thing as ‘lactation cookie’. I never thought I would use this word, which to me is actually quite odd, especially in the context of this blog! Yet, despite the reduced time on my hands, I do love cooking and experimenting, so I decided to make my own, power charged (I just cannot repeat the word above!) flap jacks. Oats, oatmilk, fenugreek, flaxseeds and brewer’s yeast are all ingredients to use. I could not find brewer’s year around here so I bought something I thought was kind of similar, an inactive yeast to add to food but apparently for best result, one does need the original brewer’s yeast.Pastabites - flapjacks

Regardless of the results, I really like the flap jacks I made – they are a boost of energy too and not too sweet, and I polished them all off in a couple of days, aiming to make more asap.

Recipe below. Enjoy!

[buymeapie-recipe id=’7′] 

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