A recipe – Spiced pumpkin and pecan cake

A recipe – Spiced pumpkin and pecan cake

Pumpkins are not just for Halloween…

The days are quickly getting shorter, the air is crispier and the shadows longer. It is time for comfort food, warming and heartening: soups, stews and pies. Pumpkins are in season and while they come up in shops mainly around the feast of All Hallows (or Halloween, of course), they are a gorgeous ingredient all year round, versatile and delicious.

I wanted to try and make a pumpkin cake, because I had never baked with pumpkin and I don’t really like the American type of pumpkin pies… this is  an easy to follow recipe for a pumpkin torte which will delight adults and children way beyond the 31st of October.

Spiced pumpkin cake

Pairing the pumpkin to spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon adds a touch of festive flavour; using maple syrup gives the pumpkin a lovely caramelisation; the pecans provide a delightfully crunchy texture. I used golden caster sugar which gives a slightly more toffee edge to the cake and the apple adds healthy sweetness to the final result (as the refined sugar content is relatively low), and because I really like it.

Use a high speed blender (we used the Ninja vac blender) to ensure the pumpkin is really smooth, but if you prefer a slightly grainy texture, a less powerful mixer will do the trick.

[buymeapie-recipe id=’20’] 

Spiced Pumpkin cakeSpiced pumpkin cake

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