Ciambelline al Vino

A recipe – Ciambelline al vino with lucuma & vanilla

Joining a baking society

I work for a large corporation… one of the advantages of it is that I have colleagues from all walks of life and with a different array of tastes and experiences.

One of these is a self proclaimed group which makes up the company’s Baking Society. We’re all fans of the GBBO, we all love a sourdough starter and a cookie recipe and a couple of us are even semi-pro bakers. 

We meet once a month over lunch. Lunch of course, consists of baked goods. We pick a theme each session and those who can, bake and bring their wares to the team to munch upon while we chat about the latest TV show or the latest Instagram baking craze. It’s fun!

Ciambelline al vino

Themed sessions

The theme for one of our sessions was ‘spiced biscuits’. Since I am still in a temporary kitchen with a temperamental oven, I knew I could not really challenge myself too much. 

I decided to make something that is a classic in Italy and that is really easy to make. So easy, that I should really make it more often!

The ciambelline al vino have been baked by myself and my sister for years, always following the same fool-proof formula. Yet since the theme was ‘spices’ I pimped up the classic recipe with pleasant results.

The lucuma gives a subtle sweetness to the crunchy biscuits, and the vanilla a touch of warmth. 

They proved a success with my fellow bakers, so I decided to share the recipe beyond our group.

The recipe

Ciambelline al vino



[buymeapie-recipe id=’23’]



Ciambelline al Vino


4 responses to “A recipe – Ciambelline al vino with lucuma & vanilla”

  1. I have not heard of these before but they sound lovely. Will have to give them a try. Your baking group sounds like a lot of fun

    1. pastabites avatar

      They are so easy – and I love them! Yes the baking group is fun, something different

  2. I soooo want to have a plate of those delicious biscuits right now. I don’t think I’ve ever made them. Where do you buy lucuma powder? Could it be in Holland & Barrett? I’ll have to google to find it.

    1. pastabites avatar

      They are so easy – but you can make them without the lucuma! I just really like it. I think I got it from WholeFoods but you can find it online too

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