Cookies Feature

A recipe: the best chunky cookies

Despite spending this year’s New York break in Nolita, we walked past the Levain cookie shop many times and never picked anything up, not entirely sure why, as I remember having one of their famous cookies during my last visit kindly provided by my local friend Katie and I loving it.

So once back home I felt like trying my hand at making them. Their recipe is a closely guarded secret but there are a few ‘mock’ levain cookies recipes around so I read up a few, and picked what I thought were the best elements of a couple. The one I followed more closely is from fellow blogger Modern Honey.

I have made these cookies over and over again and they are incredible, even for me, not exactly a cookie lover. They are not too sweet, not sickly buttery like some cookies can be (I’m not a fan of shortbreads I admit!) and chunky and moist.

We bake them for the staff at Vans off the Wall and they seem to love the too’ so here’s my version with some optional ideas (I am partial to pecans).

They are super easy to make and won’t take longer than 20m, so worth the minimal effort.

The recipe

  • 70gr cold butter, shredded or cut into small pieces
  • 70gr coconut palm sugar
  • 50gr golden caster sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 35gr manitoba flour
  • 35gr rye flour (replace for regular if not available)
  • 100gr plain flour
  • 1/2tsp cornstarch
  • 1/3tsp baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • A touch of vanilla essence
  • 130gr chunky chopped pecans and white chocolate

In a stand mixer (or by hand if you feel inclined!) whish sugars and butter until creamy, around 5m. Add the beaten egg and let it blend well, then proceed to add the dry ingredients (pre-mixed) one tablespoon at the time. Add the vanilla and finally the chopped nuts and chocolate, and once mixed in roughly, stop the mixer and prepare to asseble.

Prepare 2 flat baking tray lined with silmat or baking parchment. Roll the cookie dough into balls roughly the size of a golf ball and place on the trays, spacing them out (hence two trays). You should end up with roughly 12 balls. If the mixture is sticky, wet your hands with cold water before rolling. Once finished, feel free to lick the spoons and the bowl (my 5yo surely loved it).

Rest the cookies in the fridge for at least half hour or even overnight. Once ready to bake, heat the oven to 200c, and bake one tray at a time for about 12m until the cookies are risen, and golden brown in colour, with slightly darker edges. Cool completely before removing. They keep well for a few days in an airtight container.

Child hand holding a cookie

Variations ideas

So many options! Here’s some tips:

  • Replace the rye flour with 25gr dark unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Replace the pecans with any other nut you like; walnut or salted peanuts are great
  • Replace the chocolate with peanut butter chips or dark chocolate
  • Add dry fruits: raisins, apricots, dates or cherries would be so tasty!

So what are you waiting for???


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