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Tag: Chocolate

Easter weekend in Bruges, Flanders

Easter weekend in Bruges, Flanders

“There’s never been a classic movie made in Bruges until now. (In Bruges, 2008) Since the summer’s long way down and back, I love using our car for long or short car trips. We can take the dog, we can explore and avoid airport queues. For Easter this year, we opted to cross the channel again, and spend a couple of days in the historic town of Bruges. I had only visited for a few hours many years ago, and…

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Product review – Cailler Chocolates

Product review – Cailler Chocolates

Could I say no to chocolate? Obviously not, especially if it is not the palm oil laden mass produced kind (which I never eat). I was invited to a chocolate masterclass by Swiss chocolatier Cailler and I sadly had to decline due to work committments; as a consolation however, I was sent some samples to taste and review. I did not anything about the brand, and while owned by major corporation Nestlé (who of course also own a lot of…

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A recipe – Chocolate and Avocado Mousse

A recipe – Chocolate and Avocado Mousse

I have been following a few ‘healthy’ social media accounts for a while now; experimenting with low carbs, low sugars bakes; becoming generally a bit of a fitness freak all together and watching my diet accordingly. One thing I had been thinking about trying for a while was a mousse made with avocado, instead of dairy and eggs. And then, watching an episode of Masterchef a few weeks ago where a contestant made a fairly horrible looking avocado dessert, finally…

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Dessert Bar Tasting Menu at William Curley, Pimlico

Dessert Bar Tasting Menu at William Curley, Pimlico

A few months ago I bought a William Curley dessert bar voucher for @bmcboy who loves chocolate (who doesn’t?). We also bought one for our friend Francois’ birthday so we could go together and spend an afternoon tasting chocolate cakes.  At least this is what I, naively, expected. Having been a fan of Curley’s chocolate for a while, I was interested in the ‘dessert bar’ experience and in my head for some reason I thought it was going to be…

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North American West Coast part 3: Chocolate & Coffee

North American West Coast part 3: Chocolate & Coffee

San Francisco One, or rather two, elements have been consistently present in each destination covered in our two weeks West Coast trip. Coffee and chocolate. So I felt they deserved a separate post, especially considering that we visited what is considered the top coffee location in the area, Seattle of course. Our trip started in San Francisco. Here, among the many coffee chains (some better than others such as the local Peet’s coffee) there are plenty of local roasters and,…

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