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Tag: one off

Le Strade della Mozzarella come back to London

Le Strade della Mozzarella come back to London

Mozzarella! Two years ago I had the pleasure to attend the first London session of established Italian event Strade della Mozzarella (mozzarella roads) which is held each spring in beautiful Paestum. It was founded by the local Consorzio (cooperative) that groups together mozzarella di bufala producers from the area, to promote the knowledge and appreciation of such excellence. This year again, the afternoon long event was held at the Baglioni hotel in Kensington, but was also preceded by a celebration…

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Ciao Chow Canine Bakery – an inter species dinner

Ciao Chow Canine Bakery – an inter species dinner

A tweet from @Ciaochowbakery had caught my eye – a bakery for London dogs and their human companions! Their mission statement even more tempting: ‘In response to years of Frappucino envy, a Kickstarter campaign is helping London’s canine population to fund a café to call their own. No longer will they be ignored, leashed to a lamp post (or worse yet, confined to a handbag) while their caregivers scoff biscotti and swill skinny lattes. Dogs in the know will be…

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The Minotaur – darkness, candles and food

The Minotaur – darkness, candles and food

Living near Waterloo station has some perks. We used to have the Eurostar on our doorsteps, now we have the Railway Children performances (no, really). But sometimes we also have some special, one offs events which are worth checking out. One of these is surely the Minotaur, a temporary art exibit with music with a bar with a bunch of Michelin starred chefs.  We decided to check it out with a coupe of friends. It’s all quite strict and you…

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