A recipe – Chocolate and Avocado Mousse

A recipe – Chocolate and Avocado Mousse


I have been following a few ‘healthy’ social media accounts for a while now; experimenting with low carbs, low sugars bakes; becoming generally a bit of a fitness freak all together and watching my diet accordingly. One thing I had been thinking about trying for a while was a mousse made with avocado, instead of dairy and eggs. And then, watching an episode of Masterchef a few weeks ago where a contestant made a fairly horrible looking avocado dessert, finally got me to try it out to see and taste for myself.

I googled a few recipes and found one which I used as a base, but amended a few of the ingredients to up the protein content for example. The result is seriously amazing. Of course there were those who pulled a face (you know who you are!) trying it; those who detected a ‘vegetable’ but weren’t sure which one; those who said it was good but felt like eating raw cake mix. So, really mixed opinions but then a few people did say it was delicious (one of them, myself…does it count?). I loved it, and at under 300 calories per portion, it’s a great way to end a meal with a treat, which is creamy, chocolatey, not too sweet. The recipe is flexible as well. For example I added a spoonful of Grand Marnier for a more indulgent version; the whey adds protein but it’s not necessary if you are not bothered by it; the Linwoods add protein and texture but can easily be omitted. I did not use a lot of sweeteners because I love dark, bitter chocolate but of course, more honey and other sweeteners such as agave syrup can be added. The ‘mousse’ can be also used to top a cake or with biscuits for texture, and not just on its own.

I loved it, I just need to try and pace myself to stop me from making this every day!

Honey – I used this delicious raw honey from Local Honey Man
The mousse


Makes 2 portions
1 medium avocado (around 150gr flesh)
40gr cocoa powder (unsweetened)
20 gr date syrup
1tsp vanilla essence
30gr whey powder ( I use Pulsin 93%)
1tbsp honey or 1 tbsp apple sauce
Almond milk as needed
10gr Linwood flaxseed cocoa and berries
1 tbsp Grand Marnier (optional)
1 tsp 0% greek yogurt

 Scoop the flesh of the avocado and place in a blender with cocoa, the date syrup, honey, vanilla essence and the greek yogurt and blend until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients, adding more almond milk as necessary (as the whey and the Linwoods will dry the mixture up). Spoon in two pots and garnish as you like (I used flaked almonds). It can be made in advance and kept in the fridge for up to two days.


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