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Tag: Harrods

Pizza Gourmet: Identità Golose at Harrods

Pizza Gourmet: Identità Golose at Harrods

The love of Brits for that beautiful Neapolitan tradition that is pizza does not seem to abate. The latest exciting event in the world of dough and flour and tomato is Pizza Gourmet, a joint venture between Harrods Pizzeria and Identità Golose. From Tuesday 27th until Saturday 31st October, six limited edition pizzas by two very different but equally talented pizzaioli will be offered to the London public: Franco Pepe of famous Pepe in Grani pizzeria from Caiazzo (near Caserta)…

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Stelle di Stelle – Italian Michelin starred pop up at Harrods

Stelle di Stelle – Italian Michelin starred pop up at Harrods

Last night I had the pleasure to dine at Stelle di Stelle, the all Italian pop up restaurants hosted in Harrods’ lower ground floor (past the bling, next to the fine wines and the whiskies) by Identita’ Golose, the Italian food congress and all around great website founded by Paolo Marchi which I collaborate with.  Since last month and until January, a number of Michelin Italian stars will take turns at the pass to showcase the best of their own…

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