Lurpak Cook’s Range review

I thought I would start posting some ‘quick reviews’ of products I either receive as samples or I buy myself (such as kitchen gadgets), which might turn out useful for readers. 

I am going to start with Lurpak Cook’s Range, a liquid blend of butter and vegetable oil which is supposed to make cooking using a number of techniques ‘effortless’. The range include a Cooking Liquid (odd name indeed), Baking, Clarified butter and Cooking Mist. The information sheets sent from the PR company for each of these have some sensible testimonials including Tom Sellers from Restaurant Story, 1 Michelin star. Each info sheet does come with plenty of information on each of the products and what its preferred use is, for example the Clarified Butter is recommended for searing and creating rich sauces. So far, the two products I have had a chance to try have been the Cooking Mist (which I had actually already purchased for myself) and the clarified butter. I use the ‘mist’ a lot indeed, particularly for very shallow frying as it is a great way of dosing the amount of fat in a dish, especially when, like me, one is counting the calories! I use it for glazing vegetables as well when roasting, from potatoes to carrots, it does really work well.

The clarified butter is an interesting one: before opening the pot is solid, and once open, it melts and has to be kept outside, and it is something I had never utilised before. I used it for roasting potatoes and basting and was pretty good, although I could not really detect any specific difference with regular butter. 

What I really like about this range as well, and it should be noted, is that the ‘vegetable oil’ used is thankfully rapeseed oil, not the omnipresent, wildlife and tropical forests’ enemy palm oil. 

I look forward to trying the rest of the products, and thank you Wild Card and Lurpak for sending over some samples.
