Book review: Sicilian Splendors

Book review: Sicilian Splendors

Sicily is a beautiful part of Italy: the island is rich in history, the climate is wonderful, the food truly special and the people friendly.

A new book by author John Keahey highlights some of the island’s best kept secrets with warmth and knowledge.

Keahey first visited Sicily in 1986 and, enchanted, keeps returning in between writing other travel narratives. His books range from southern Italy to Venice to western Tuscany. His earlier book on Sicily is Seeking Sicily: A Cultural Journey Through Myth and Reality in the Heart of the Mediterranean.

The cover has a photo of a beautiful, coastal location with crystal clear waters, sun shining, boats bobbing in the calm waters and a little village in the back ground. It seems the stage is already set for a journey through the somehow less explored parts of the island.

The author really delves deep into the spirit of the Sicilians: their friendly attitude, their proud heritage and their food traditions.

Our view

The book makes for a really enjoyable read, and is rich in details about the local life of the villages and the towns he visits.

Italian way of life is depicted with its own ‘Sicilian flavour’ with interesting, unique anecdotes and beautiful description of the land and the landscape.

Perhaps the photography in the book could be a bit more sophisticated, somehow one feels they are just a little random snaps rather than photos to accompany the story itself.

This is a book for anyone who already loves Sicily or is keen to discover more. Recommended.

4 thoughts on “Book review: Sicilian Splendors

  1. Sicily is one of those places I’d love to visit one day. I’ve read that they are doing the “Montalbano tours”, which I would enjoy so much. I haven’t seen this book, maybe I could try to find it in the library.

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