One thing is for sure, I am still very much into podcasts; they represent such a big part of my routine now, particularly in the mornings when I head out with Amber for a pre-work walk in the park, with occasionally a flat white (occasionally, prices are too high now for a daily treat sadly).
I am still addicted to Casefile, in fact I have become a Patreon supporter as I feel it’s only fair given the hours of company I get from them. But I have discovered some more, very interesting podcasts so here’s a follow up to those of you who also find podcasting such a helpful past time.
The secret history of flight 149
Let me begin with the most recent incredible find, the Secret History of Flight 149. At the time of the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait I was living in Italy and while I have very vivid memories of the time, I did not know about the story of a British Airways passenger plane that landed in Kuwait City to refuel on its way to Malaysia right when the invasion started.

Journalist Stephen Davis has been reporting on this extraordinary story for the past three decades. In this series you’ll hear directly from the hostages – the people used as human shields by the Iraqi regime, with horrific and traumatic consequences. But why was the plane allowed to land at all, putting so many lives at risk? Why have secrets and lies persisted for so many years? Each episode will have you on the edge of your walking / seat / wherever you are listening. I am hooked.
Murder in House Two
I found Murder in House Two because I loved Flight 149 and this is by the same network, Crowd. It is the shocking, riveting inside story of the one of greatest cover-ups in US military history.
You thought you knew about the Iraq War. You thought you knew who were the good guys and bad guys. Everything you knew is about to change. Forever.
Written and narrated by filmmaker Michael Epstein, Murder In House Two is about what really happened in the Haditha Massacre of November 2005, when 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians – including women, the elderly and young children – were shot multiple times by a group of US Marines.
I did not know the story, and my gosh this is hard listening but the delivery and the research that went into it makes this podcast one of my favourite of all times and I am already gutted that eventually I will have listened to all episodes.
Dan Snow’s History Hit
I really like Dan’s military history programmes, but when I attempted to listen to his podcast back in 2020, I hated it after 5 minutes. I didn’t like the delivery and just couldn’t get into it. I gave it another go and I am so glad I did! There is so much content, and the episodes are relatively short (half hour on average).
There is a huge variety of topics and interviews too, so some episodes are particularly fascinating (depending on your tastes of course). I would dare say not just for the history buffs like me, Dan Snow’s History Hit is worth a listen (and skip through the very annoying commercials for a certain brand of coffee and internet provider!)
Dateline NBC
This is a series of many podcasts done by a number of presenters. Two were already in my previous post, I liked their host so much (Keith Morrison) that I looked for more; indeed there are plenty of episodes by Keith, and others by other hosts. Some are of course better than others, some are more interesting than others, but I would also definitely recommenda Dateline NBC for some true facts and crime sessions.
Human Resources
I came across Human Resources via an episode of Dan Snow’s History Hit, where he had as a guest Moya Lothian-McLean, the host of Human Resources. Moya’s podcast explores the true story of British involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and how it touches every part of the nation. Moya is the descendent of a slave and a plantation owner, so her point of view is quit unique. For me, it’s a way to learn about my adoptive country’s colonial past as well as other interesting things (I had no idea there is a chocolate museum in Brixton!). Her delivery is excellent and makes for a fantastic listen.
The Next Delicious Thing
For something completely different but related to chocolate, I can recommend my friend Jen’s new podcast, The Next Delicious Thing. I have known Jen for a number of years and have been on her fabulous chocolate mystery tours and tastings, her knowledge is second to none. She’s just launched this podcast which gives listeners insights and tips in.. well anything new and delicious not only in London but within the UK too. Discover bakeries, chocolatiers, ice creams shops and more.

The Hum Series by The Truth
An odd one, this is a fictional mini series: in a post-apocalyptic world, a young woman must face her fears of the outside world in order to save her sister. It’s drama, it’s weird, and it makes for a good listen with some suspense! I stumbled upon this series after finishing the second and final series of the incredible Passenger List. Find the series on the Truth page.
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